Commentary Search

  • Follow up: It can be a matter of life, death

    She was a hero. She was someone who had the courage to act when it mattered most. She was a true wingman. She saw the warning signs of depression and suicidal ideations in a friend, she made the right calls, made the right decisions and her friend's life was saved. This Airman knew the warning signs

  • Take time to delegate

    Delegation is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "the act of giving control, authority, a job, a duty, etc., to another person."  However, delegation is more than a simple act, it is a skill.  Unfortunately, it is a skill that is used incorrectly, or not at all, by many individuals who

  • Hold the line

    Who am I? I'm just one of the select few in the non-commissioned officer tier about to step into the senior NCO tier. All I can say to those who serve is 'hold the line'. This is directed mostly towards my fellow NCO tier, the backbone of the force some would say.I came in the Air Force in 2002, but

  • Leadership under pressure

    As this September marks the 14th Anniversary of 9/11, one of the most tragic events in U.S. history, I find myself reflecting back on those12 hours in the Pentagon at the National Military Command Center.  It was a monumental day in my mind for many reasons.  At the time our team, Team 2, was being

  • Crossing over into becoming a supervisor

    Coming up through the ranks I heard a lot of negative things about Airman Leadership School. Long hours, hard tests, no free time and never ending study groups.  My experience in ALS turned out to be a very positive one.I never expected to be going through the course here, but it turned out to be an

  • Don't get caught in the grind

    We all live very busy lives.  Our jobs, children, personal and social relationships consume pretty much all of our time.  Our electronic devices keep us locked in to what everyone else is doing and before you know it, our days are completely filled with activities from the moment we wake up to the

  • IDMT: Not your regular medics

    In 1947, when the Air Force separated from the Army, only 1,480 service members were permitted to transfer to the Air Force Medical Service Corp. Shortly after, the service recognized the need to develop and train its own medics and established training at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base,

  • Am I Serving?

    As a young Captain, sitting in the "Blue Room" at Squadron Officer School, I had the pleasure of hearing many general officers speak to us on various subjects. One subject in particular has stuck with me over the years and it was a general who talked to my SOS class about service.He told a story

  • Leadership perspective

    "How to be a good leader..."How many of you have heard that phrase repeatedly throughout your Air Force careers? I continually search out the answer to this question. Leadership style is one of the most debatable topics in many organizations and academic institutions.Effective leadership is key to