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  • Our Titans make history every day

    For me, it is an honor to be here in the Republic of Turkey, a land where empires have risen and fallen since the beginning of recorded history. In fact, the first historian, Herodotus of Halicarnassus, now known as Bodrum, came from this land. Turkey is an amazing place and the friends I have made

  • Sacrifice By Fire: A Holocaust resiliency story

    “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” said human rights activist Mahatma Ghandi.During the Holocaust Days of Remembrance, I was given an opportunity to affect the change I wanted to see at the Sacrifice by Fire event, hosted by the Outspoken organization at Incirlik Air Base,

  • My life in the military

    On Feb. 18, 1998, as I left my job on Wall Street, and said good-bye to my friends and family, I remember stepping foot off the bus on Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. At the time, I was thinking it was way too early in the morning.

  • Man’s best friend gets second chance

    While Incirlik Air Base may be coded as a ‘No Pet’ base for permanent party and deployed personnel, due to operational conditions, the base is not animal free. Stray cats and dogs can frequently be seen roaming around the installation.

  • Law Day 2016

    Law Day, held annually at the beginning of May, is a national day celebrating the rule of law in the United States. By observing Law Day each year, we emphasize how the law and the legal process contribute to the freedoms all Americans share.The theme of Law Day 2016 is, "Miranda: More Than Words,"

  • Accept, Impact, Act

    One of the most historical times in U.S. history was when Congress passed legislation to abolish slavery in the, "land of the free" on Jan. 31, 1865.  Fast forward to more than a century later, African Americans achievements are annually celebrated when President Gerald R. Ford formally recognized

  • Qualities of Leader

    As I walk around Incirlik and speak with Airmen or attend professional development seminars, Airman Leadership School or First Term Airman's Center briefings, I am usually asked the question, "What makes a good leader or what do I have to do to make it in the Air Force?" If you were to ask that

  • Enjoy your present

    As we come to the end of another busy year, many people might take time to reflect back on their lives during the past year and start thinking about what their resolutions will be for the New Year.As you look back, you may think about the challenges you have faced and obstacles you have overcome.

  • Volunteer for the right reasons

    The word "volunteer" is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service."In a given week, I'm asked three to four times why I volunteer my personal time as much as I do to organizations that are not my primary duty.