Fact Sheet Search

  • 39th Civil Engineer Squadron

    The 39th CES plans, constructs, operates and maintains $2.6 billion in real property spanning across 3,323 acres, 771 facilities, 850 housing units and five geographically separated units. The squadron also prepares wing personnel to survive nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional attacks,

  • 39th Communications Squadron

    The 39th CS is responsible for critical command and control systems on base. The squadron maintains air traffic control systems, weapons storage area security systems, and secure and non-secure networks for more than 3,500 users.The unit's support includes base telephone service, computers, handheld

  • 39th Comptroller Squadron

    MissionEnabling nuclear surety and forward air operations capabilities through first class financial customer service and on-demand decision analytics.VisionUSAFE-AFAFRICA’s most innovative and combat-ready comptroller professionals.39 Comptroller SquadronThe 39th Comptroller Squadron develops,

  • 39th Contracting Squadron

    The 39th Contracting Squadron (39 CONS) plays a pivotal role in establishing and managing contracts, providing expert business advice and overseeing an average of 1,000 contract actions valued at over $30 million annually. 

  • 39th Force Support Squadron

    In June of 2008, the 39th Services Squadron merged into the 39th Mission Support Squadron to become the first force support squadron in the United States Air Forces in Europe.  The 39th FSS provides a wide range of organizational, professional and community support to the organizations and people

  • 39th Logistics Readiness Squadron

    In 2008, 2005, and 2002 the 39th Logistics Readiness Squadron was recognized as the United States Air Force Logistics Readiness Squadron of the Year (non-flying) category. In addition, the 39th Logistics Readiness Squadron was selected as United States Air Forces in Europe's Logistics Readiness

  • 39th Maintenance Squadron

    The 39th Maintenance Squadron supports the 39th Air Base Wing, U.S., NATO and U.S. European Command Southern Region with intermediate-level aircraft maintenance, conventional munitions and war reserve material in support of Overseas Contingency Operations.The 39th MXS provides munitions for weapons

  • 39th Medical Group

    Click here for MHS Notice of Privacy PracticesTo visit the Air Force Medical Service, 39th MDG page, click  https://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/MTF/Incirlik/.The 39th MDG maximizes the health of the 39th Air Base Wing supporting multiple missions to ensure wartime readiness. Clinic InformationClinic

  • 39th Mission Support Group

    The 39th MSG provides combat support, including security, law enforcement, fire, disaster response, explosive ordnance disposal, CBRNE training and response, communications, family support, housing, provisions, facility engineers, environmental services, personnel management, fuel, transportation,

  • 39th Operations Support Squadron

    The 39 Operations Support Squadron leads world-class airfield & support operations to orchestrate and control US, Turkish, and coalition forces operating at Incirlik Airbase in the execution of full-spectrum airpower and nuclear deterrent operations. Our vision is to be USAFE’s premier power

Incirlik History

The U.S. Engineering Group began construction of the base located approximately 250 miles southeast of Ankara, Turkey, in the spring of 1951. The U.S. Air Force initially planned to use the base as an emergency staging and recovery site for medium and heavy bombers. The Turkish General Staff and the U.S. Air Force signed a joint use agreement for the new base in December 1954. Fact Sheet