Hold the line Published Sept. 22, 2015 By Tech. Sgt. Michael Randall 39th Security Forces Squadron Force Protection superintendent INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- Who am I? I'm just one of the select few in the non-commissioned officer tier about to step into the senior NCO tier. All I can say to those who serve is 'hold the line'. This is directed mostly towards my fellow NCO tier, the backbone of the force some would say. I came in the Air Force in 2002, but my paper work was submitted shortly after Sept. 11, 2001. I am part of that post 9/11 generation that wants to continue to make and see the U. S. Air Force produce the best Airmen. The world around us is non-stop and most of us are working unheard of hours, military and civilians alike. Let us take a moment to reflect and make sure we are taking care of ourselves and those around us; all while serving at the highest level we can. NCOs, are the frontline supervisors, lets continue to take care our Airmen, and of course ourselves and families. As a NCO, when Airmen have difficult days, we are the ones that have to help keep them focused and assist them as much as we can to push through. The wild card is the Air Force will still demand us to professionally develop, to get involved in the base as best as we can and get the job done well. Is it possible? Yes. Is it hard? Yes. This is the highest level of service. Some have families, some are supervisors, and some are away from home for the first time. Fear not, there are people all around you that are willing to help you whether you believe that or not. If you feel you are not getting the guidance you need, tactfully take a step back and seek out a mentor. Hold the line NCOs, when the day is long and you and your Airmen have to stay late to get the job done as only you can. For those who can't stay, still hold the line. Hold the line NCOs. Areas that you know you are weak in, work on daily. If you don't know your weak area, then ask your supervisor and ask for realistic feedback. If you're married, ask your spouse. I challenge the NCO tier to hold the line. We are the teachers, trainers, supervisors, enforcers, comforters and listeners. We are the example for others to follow. Hold the line. Lastly, I will say this. Each day above ground is a good day. So count that as a victory and put that in to the 'W' column for a win. Life is hard enough in general, and then the dynamics of the military lifestyle and pressure just make it seem impossible some days. Take things one day at a time. Think before you speak, listen, try your best and remember it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only one poor choice to lose it. Live smart, look sharp and of course, hold the line.