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  • Action Line #150802 Smoking outside the Commissary

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to: With the introduction of Designated Tobacco

  • ACTION LINE #150416 Retiree library access

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to: Why were library privileges for retirees not

  • ACTION LINE #150401 Abuse of government vehicles

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to:     I would like to discuss government vehicle

  • Action Line #150318 Stolen window screens

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to: My window screens were stolen recently. I filed

  • Action Line #150314 Eagle playground improvements

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to: Are there any plans to fix the large playground

  • Action Line #150213 Base dog park

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to: I heard there used to be a dog park here, but

  • Action Line #141212 Taxi service

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to:  With the loss of taxi service I had a question

  • Action Line #141209 Residency permits

    Editor's note: The Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice concerns and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous. You can submit an action line by emailing it to: Several months ago (Aug 2014) I paid for