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  • TurAF and 39th CES EOD team partner to dispose unserviceable munitions

    U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Samuel Speth, 39th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal team member and Master Sgt. Scott Underdahl, 39th CES EOD flight chief, brief Col. Kevin Lord, 39th ABW commander, about how a fuse line works at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, Feb. 13. 2024. Time fuses

  • Incirlik AB hosts annual DECA Inspection

    The Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement, DECA, team conducted the annual inspection of Incirlik Air Base Jan. 22-24, marking a continuation of the monitoring process for the U.S.-Turkish partnership.

  • Incirlik commemorates Ataturk Memorial Day

    The 10th Tanker Base Command and the 39th Air Base Wing paid tribute to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder and first president of the modern day Republic of Turkey Nov. 10, 2020, at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Ataturk’s credited with the birth and modernization of Turkey and his accomplishments are