Chief shadow: Airman 1st Class Raul Reyna

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Raul Reyna
  • 39th Medical Support Squadron

Name/Rank: Airman 1st Class Raul Reyna

Squadron: 39th Medical Support Squadron

Job title: Medical logistician

Job description and how do you contribute to the 39th Air Base Wing's mission?

I play a key role in ordering pharmaceuticals for the entire base including deployed troops and our geographically separated units in Turkey.

What is the one thing you hope to accomplish while at Incirlik?

As logistics, our motto is 'Whatever it takes'. My goal here is to leave here knowing I gave my all in supporting the warfighter, and to finish up my Community College of the Air Force degree.

What has been your biggest lesson learned in the Air Force?  

One of the biggest lessons I have learned from the Air Force is to humble myself and to be thankful for everything the Air Force has given me. Often when things don't go our way, we tend to complain about how things are, not realizing how good we have it. Being overseas I have talked to people who do not have half of what I have. There are people without homes and who are dying every day. Being in the Air Force we are afforded and given a lot of opportunities such as financial security and world travel.. These opportunities make me want to do the best job I can. One of my favorite quotes is:

"Ask not what your country can do for you- Ask what you can do for your Country."
- Former President John F. Kennedy.

Who inspires you?

My biggest inspiration and idol is a man named Greg Plitt. He is a fitness model and former U.S. Army Captain/Ranger. I had the pleasure of meeting and taking a picture with Greg in 2013. He passed away in January 2015, but every single day I watch his motivational videos. I aspire to one day become like him. What makes him stand out to me is that he believed no matter what you want; you can obtain it with hard work. He always talks about how a lot of people look for the easy way out or the 'magic pill to lose weight' and it doesn't work that way. With life, if you want something, go out and get it.

What is your number one goal?

My goal is to do the best I can at whatever I do. Professional development wise, I would like to leave Incirlik Air Base with my CCAF.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself as an entrepreneur.

Leadership comments:

Airman 1st Class Reyna is a phenomenal Airman and logistician. He goes above and beyond what is expected of him, every day. Reyna stepped off the Patriot Express ready to work, literally. He hasn't stopped since he arrived and has received numerous kudos from the pharmacy, telling us how much he is appreciated for all his hard work and dedication. Reyna has great work ethic and constantly wanting to learn and be better.  He always helps out when he sees a co-worker or another section who needs assistance and never complains about anything. He is the epitome of excellence at its best.