Chants challenged at monthly wing run Published Nov. 6, 2006 By Anonymous 39th Air Base Wing INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- Question: My question is about the Wing Run. How come the 39th Security Forces Squadron counts the number of people who fall out during the run?That's not a good team building initiative, and if the whole point of doing the run is to complete it as a team, laughing at me for not being able to run as fast as you may not be the best way to accomplish this. I try my hardest to keep up with you. I'm not going to lie; you're a pretty fast runner. When I finally have to fall out I never stop running I just don't run at your pace. When the 39th SFS count me and do that evil "Ha Ha Ha," it crushes my spirit. Answer: This one is partly my fault and I will do a better job of trying to meter our pace from the front. My goal is not to outrun people but to set a pace that will push them a little. I am sure our Security Forces team do not intend their cheer to denegrate those that fallout but rather intend it as a form of motivation to keep up. At the end of the day, we all strive to do the best we possibly can and if you know that you've done that then you should be proud of your effort. I appreciate your spirit and look forward to continuing to challenge you while building you up with encouragement. The winner of the race is not always the fleet of foot but rather those who persevere to finish.