Jan. 11, 2024 My first ruck: the 18.6-mile Norwegian Foot March One thought ping-pongs inside my skull as all my leg muscles scream in chorus to remind me how I’m not able to finish my first ever ruck march, the 18.6-mile Norwegian Foot March: “What am I even doing?”
July 30, 2018 Our Titans make history every day For me, it is an honor to be here in the Republic of Turkey, a land where empires have risen and fallen since the beginning of recorded history. In fact, the first historian, Herodotus of Halicarnassus, now known as Bodrum, came from this land. Turkey is an amazing place and the friends I have made
March 30, 2018 My life in the military On Feb. 18, 1998, as I left my job on Wall Street, and said good-bye to my friends and family, I remember stepping foot off the bus on Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. At the time, I was thinking it was way too early in the morning.
Feb. 26, 2018 Man’s best friend gets second chance While Incirlik Air Base may be coded as a ‘No Pet’ base for permanent party and deployed personnel, due to operational conditions, the base is not animal free. Stray cats and dogs can frequently be seen roaming around the installation.