Thumping the Bunny

  • Published
  • By Col. "Tip" Stinnette
  • 39th Air Base Wing commander
Tom was new in town and was having a hard time finding a place to live because he had a Doberman. Finally, he secured a carriage house in the backyard of a house owned by two old women by assuring the ladies the dog was perfectly friendly, which, of course, it was. The landladies had a rabbit hutch in the backyard which contained two white fluffy bunny rabbits. Months passed and everyone got along just fine. Tom had trained his dog not to pester the rabbits while he was away at work and the dog was quite obedient.

One night Tom returned from a long weekend away on business. His dog was beside himself with joy to see his master return. Tom was tired and went right to bed, leaving the dog outside. In the middle of the night Tom was awakened by the strange sounds his dog was making outside the bedroom window, a kind of muffled whimpering. When he opened the front door Tom saw the dog standing there with one of the white fluffy bunny rabbits in his mouth! 

After a quick smack or two on the head, the dog dropped the bunny on the ground and Tom immediately picked it up. The bunny appeared to be undamaged, so Tom washed it off, blow-dried it, returned it to the hutch, and brought the dog inside. The next morning as Tom was leaving for work he saw the two old ladies standing around the rabbit hutch. He figured everything was all right and the rabbit was unhurt, but when he walked up and said "good-morning" he noticed the women were completely distraught and crying. Tom knew that he had probably been caught, but decided to be cagey and asked, "what happened? Did the rabbits die?" "Well, one of them did," replied one of the women, "but we buried him three days ago and now he's back in the hutch!"

White fluffy bunny rabbits are like non-compliance to the dogs of war! Where do we go from our tremendous Unit Compliance Inspection win? Well the answer to that question is easy ... on to our next win! Here's the real deal; don't bring the white fluffy bunny rabbit back into the hutch. We have successfully thumped the bunny and need to keep thumping the bunny so we can keep our winning streak alive while ensuring freedom's future.