Alcohol, Ankle Bracelets and Responsible Drinking Published July 20, 2007 By Col. Ken Stefanek 39th Air Base Wing vice commander INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- I had to chuckle the other day when I read that Lindsay Lohan, fresh from a six-week stint in a Malibu alcohol and drug rehab facility, agreed to wear an alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet just so she could party in places where alcohol is served. She took no time putting the bracelet to the test as one of her first stops after leaving rehab was at a popular night club in Las Vegas, the perfect place for a person recovering from substance abuse. While I'll never claim to understand the issues Ms. Lohan deals with, it is apparent that she has a problem, as she checked herself into the rehab facility after smashing her Mercedes Benz and being arrested on the suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. It seems to me that if a person knows they have a drinking problem, they should avoid places like night clubs and go places where alcohol isn't served. Thankfully we don't have alcohol-detecting ankle bracelets at the "Lik," as we believe in most cases alcohol intake is something individuals should decide for themselves. Simply stated, our goal is not to stop you from drinking but to encourage you to drink responsibly. There are many questions to consider when deciding how much to drink in a given situation. Among these are: will I be driving, what time do I have to get up, am I working tomorrow and am I in a safe environment or out in a high-threat area? The 0-1-3 principle works in most situations but something else to consider is how you respond to alcohol. I'm sure we all know people who get happy, sleepy, belligerent, philosophical, loud, affectionate, stupid and/or adventurous when they drink. If you've ever had a few too many you probably know how you act when you drink; your friends most probably do. As you're deciding how much you should drink in a given situation please remember to consider how you react to alcohol. If the way you act after a few drinks isn't appropriate for where you are, slow down or refrain from drinking altogether. Additionally, if you drink with the intent of getting drunk or are relying on your wingman to tell you when you've had enough, you're not drinking responsibly. If you must drink alcohol, be a responsible drinker ... it will allow you to ensure freedom's future.