Find ways to plug in to Incirlik community

  • Published
  • By Maj. LaVonne Shingler
  • 39th Contracting Squadron commander
Do you know you have been granted certain talents or gifts?
For example, some of us have been given the gift of organization or the ability to make things look great. Some of us have been given the gift of patience for working with children or teens. Others have been given the gift of intuitiveness, giving them the ability to know when people are hurting and need a little help or a word of encouragement.
Everyday at the "Lik" I engage people using their gifts to benefit me. Each of us contributes to our community. 

The best way to make these contributions is to know what gifts/talents you possess.
How do you identify those special qualities? Think about it, what makes you feel really good? Is it when you're cooking? When you are doing a craft (crocheting, scrap booking)? When you're running or helping others train to run? 

Know that there is a place for you to hone your gifts and talents here at the "Lik." You just need to find the right place and opportunity to get plugged in. 

Crafts and Chocolates at the Chapel is just one opportunity to share. The secret about having a gift or talent is that you're really not satisfied keeping that gift or talent to yourself. 

Your fulfillment comes from sharing your gifts and talents, so focus on ways to put them to use for the purpose of enhancing the "Lik" community. 

I challenge each of us to find a place to plug in and hone our talent or gift while assigned here. Some opportunities to do just that include, Top 3, Airmen Committed to Excellence, 56 Club, Company Grade Officer Council, Chapel Ministries Music, Crossroads, Club Beyond, In His Steps (Dance Ministry), Runners Club, Photo Club, Divers Club, Fitness Folks, Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, Incirlik School and Parent Teacher Student Association. I have named only a few of the many opportunities and places to "plug in." 

Have your ever watched a "real" singer sing? You can see that when they close their eyes and hear their own voice fill the room they are satisfied and content ... you feel they know that this is their "gift" to share. 

What are your gifts and talents? If you don't know, now is the time to reflect and identify.
The gifts we choose to share make a huge difference in our community. Choose to live large while at the "Lik" and get "plugged in!"