A new fiscal year means new opportunities, responsibility Published Oct. 5, 2007 By Col. Jeffery Hanson 39th Mission Support Group commander INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- Each October is the start of a new fiscal year for the military. This means that we will receive new operating funds for the wing for the next 12 months. To ensure we use these funds properly, we follow a strict set of rules and procedures with numerous reviews and approvals. The process involves planning, programming and budgeting to build a financial game plan for the wing, group and each squadron, as well as our tenants and Geographically Separated Units. All of us, yes all of us, are responsible for and have a part to play in ensuring we use our funds properly, efficiently and for items that help us accomplish the mission. This includes equipment, training and supplies that are used to get the job done. I challenge all of you to look closely at all the things that we spend our limited funds on. As Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century looks at processes to help us save time, money and resources, a simple thing like analyzing our budget and ensuring the money we spend is value added can help us use our funds wisely. Ask yourself some basic questions: Is the item being purchased still required? Can it be replaced by something that is less expensive? Is the Temporary Duty required or can an alternate method be used such as a Video Teleconference or online training? Is the construction project required? How does it impact the mission? Can we use technology to cut costs? Each situation or requirement is unique and deserves to be looked at for its own merit. The wing has just published new vision, mission and goals. All Airmen need to become familiar with this vision. Your squadron in turn will build upon these goals and develop detailed objectives. This will help us build priorities within our squadrons and be our guide to ensure that the money is spent to accomplish the mission. If it doesn't, you should ask your supervisor, "what is the value added of that expenditure?" As in any budget, there is never enough money to meet all the requirements you want to accomplish. Through sound fiscal management we can use our limited funds efficiently and get the mission accomplished. I challenge you to ask questions and bring up new ideas. The Air Force continues to transform and we need the input of all our Airmen to ensure we continue to be the best Air Force in the world "Ensuring Freedom's Future."