Financial services continue to change, improve

  • Published
  • By Maj. Tabitha Clark
  • 39th Comptroller Squadron commander
According to various Air Force leaders, the success of the Air Force and the joint team depends upon the ability of its people and organizations to anticipate, learn and adapt. 

The chief of staff of the Air Force, Gen. Michael T. Mosely said, "it is our responsibility to bequeath a dominant Air Force to America's joint team that will follow us in service to the nation." 

The Air Force is changing how it organizes, trains and equips its Airmen and Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century is the overarching program guiding our continuous process improvement. 

The Air Force Financial Services Center at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., is an AFSO21 initiative, which has led to Financial Services undergoing its most major change in the United States Air Force's 60-year history. 

Mr. Vonglis, the Financial Management and Comptroller principal deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force said, "While people are far more important than machines, the need to recapitalize our Air Force is compelling. In that sense, we can no longer afford to operate the way we have in the past. This is a significant investment for the Air Force. It will save the Air Force more than $200 million and return approximately 600 manpower positions." 

This monumental effort shifts more money to the warfighter by streamlining financial management operations with improved technology and revised processes, while still providing the world-class accurate, timely and reliable services you've come to expect. 

As many of you know, Incirlik's Financial Services function transferred to the AFFSC January 2008. We now receive all in-processing documents, travel vouchers and military pay documents from you, ensure they are correct and scan/transmit them to the AFFSC. Once AFFSC personnel input the documents, you then receive your entitlements. 

That was phase one. The most visible change occurs during phase two -- the opening of the AFFSC 24/7 Contact Center in October 2008 with implementation here at Incirlik during Fiscal Year 2009. It will become your first stop for all finance-related questions; and here at the base level we will be further removed from providing face-to-face financial support. How's that for change? 

This state-of-the-art contact center is part of the Air Force's commitment to provide superior support to all Airmen. You will have access to quality customer service via phone, fax, e-mail or eventually the Web 24/7. 

Contact center personnel will be trained to resolve common finance issues quickly and effectively. To minimize wait-time and increase customer satisfaction, more complicated matters will be routed to the appropriate department for a solution. If needed, you will be referred to our office for assistance. 

I know it is not easy to embrace change because most of us get comfortable with the way things are; but having the right attitude can lessen the blow. In these days of AFSO21 and recapitalization, we must all look at the overall benefit change brings and do our part to ensure its implementation occurs as seamlessly as possible. 

Rest assured we haven't lessened our efforts to provide world-class financial services throughout these ongoing changes. 

The 39th Comptroller Squadron will continue to provide the best financial services and support to our valued customers and comrades.