Our CDC rocks!

  • Published
  • By Staff
  • 39th Force Support Squadron
You may have heard the great things the Incirlik Child Development Center has been doing the last eight months. If not, let me give you a quick rundown. Since June, our CDC has opened five new rooms and has added 72 more children into their program. That's a 138 percent increase! Some of you may be thinking, what's the significance of that? Isn't that what a CDC is supposed to do?

Well yeah, but they were also awarded "Best CDC in United States Air Forces in Europe" and have one of the lowest waitlists in the command. The center is also pursuing accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the nation's leading organization for early childhood professionals.

Along with the center's ability to increase its capacity and its impressive award, it's amazing that it can push the envelope in a wing where 51 percent of those assigned are on a short tour. Short tours impact the center in terms of manning, training and turnover. The ability of the CDC to not only overcome challenges, but to be the best in USAFE makes it easy to see why it's so significant.

The secret to the CDC's success is hidden in three things: the selflessness of its workers, the support of the community and the skill of its management. These three elements make a difference in ensuring support of the 39th Air Base Wing mission and providing a better quality of life to our Airmen.

During the "nanny crisis" last summer, the community pulled together and the 39th Force Support Squadron was able to recruit and employ more than 20 new employees to help meet the demand for increased child care. These selfless workers provide quality care while parents are working hard at their jobs. Many people do not realize that providing care is not all the staff does. CDC staff members are required to complete 15 training modules in 18 months along with other types of training, such as CPR, fire and safety training. Additionally, they develop lessons plans, children's portfolios and change classroom environments. These folks are truly committed to our children.

A supportive community also makes our CDC rock! Not only has the community stepped up to take on the tough jobs, but parents have become involved in the Parent Advisory Boards, some have become room parents, and many have attended the special events. Without this support, the CDC would not be where it is today. Even with all of our success, there is always work to be done and we can always use more help. If you are interested, please contact Jeannie Gooch at 676-5042.

Of course we could not do all the great things without engaged management. Everyone (from the flight chief to the room leads) has overcome personnel shortfalls, continuous training challenges, and increased demand with professionalism and finesse. If you see these folks on the street, please don't hesitate, stop and shake their hand. They are doing great things for our community.