Ask Mehmet: The festival of sacrifice

  • Published
  • By Mehmet Birbiri
  • 39th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

During this time of the year it’s not uncommon to see the streets of Incirlik Village and Adana filled with herds of sheep, dont get worried. It is a sign that the Moslem world is preparing to celebrate Eedu-l-Adha, or Feast (or Festival) of Sacrifice, which  falls on the tenth day of the last month of  the Islamic calendar.  

 Feast of Sacrifice, which lasts four-and-a-half days, is the longest religious holiday.

The festival of sacrifice is called Kurban Bayrami in Turkish. This year, it’s observation starts at noon on Sunday, September 11. Religious dates are determined by the lunar calendar versus the more commonly used Gregorian calendar. Therefore, festivals are observed 10 to 11 days earlier every year. 

On the first day of the festival, Monday, Sept. 12, thousands of sheep, goats and calves will be slaughtered by the Turkish citizens celebrating Kurban Bayrami.

According to Moslem tradition, the sacrificed animal should be at least one year old and in good health. The animals are sacrificed in all kinds of places: the garden, driveway, back yard and streets. This is especially true during the first day of the festival. You may also see animals sacrificed on the second and third day of the festival.

The government placed a ban on killing animals in public and unhealthy environments. Almost every city designates central locations with professional butchers to conduct the butchering for the believers. However, many people still follow the traditional way and kill their animals at other locations.

The sacrifice is only a symbol according to the Moslem faith, it’s not the meat or blood that pleases God. It’s the expression of thankfulness and the affirmation of faith that is pleasing.

According to Moslems, this event started with the prophet Abraham when he was ordered to offer his son, Ismael, in sacrifice -- an order which Abraham and his son were ready to obey unquestioningly.

Ismael’s life was spared and ransomed by a ram. The offering of the sacrifice has become an annual celebration to commemorate the occasion and thank God for his favors.

Meanwhile, about 3.5 million Moslems have started to flock from all around the world to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage called Hajj -- the fifth pillar of Islam.

Hajj is obligatory at least once in a lifetime for every Moslem, male or female, in fairly good health, and financially capable and secure. In fulfilling this service, Moslems express their devotion to Allah. The pilgrimage is an annual event attended by Moslems from all over the world. They meet in one place, Mecca, and all are dressed in similar uniforms. There is no discrimination or preference between them; all are Allah’s creations.

Eed (short  for Eedu-l-Adha) means “recurring happiness” or “festivity,” a day of peace and thanksgiving, a day of forgiveness and moral victory, a day of good harvest and remarkable achievements, and a day of  festive remembrance.

The climax of Hajj is marked by offering a sacrifice, an obligation in the way of God, to celebrate the completition of this devotional course and feed the poor so that they may feel the universal joy of the festival.

This duty, sacrifying an animal to God, is not only undertaken by pilgrims but by all able Moslems in every corner of the globe.

On the festival’s first day, all family members wake up early to make their final preparations. Male members go to mosque to perform the special Bayram Namazi (sacrifice festival prayer.) The actual sacrifice begins after the men return from the mosque. The head of the family is expected to perform the sacrifice, but a butcher can also be used to perform the ritual on behalf of them.

The animal is given water and salt, its eyes are wrapped with a clean rag, and is turned to face Mecca. Verses are recited from the Koran, the holy book of Islam, and then the animal’s throat is cut.

The meat is then divided into three portions -- one is given to the poor, one to neighbors and relatives, and the third is kept for the household. 

Another tradition practiced is visiting the graves of the deceased family members. That is mostly done one day prior the festival. Therefore, the cemeteries are very crowded on that day.

Friends, neighbors and relatives visit each other celebrating the festival. Traditionally, people offer cologne, candy and Turkish coffee during those visits. Children might be given pocket money as well. Kapicis (door keepers), maids and gardeners are also tipped during the festival.

In recent years, some Moslems have begun to make donations to charitable institutions instead of sacrificng animals.  

The government has announced Sept 16 as a holiday. Thus, the length of festival will be a total of 9 days, including the two weekends. Feast of Sacrifice ends Sunday, Sept 18.  The state offices and schools will be closed between 10-18 Sept.  In fact the date for schools to open was scheduled to be Sept.  

Bayraminiz Kutlu Olsun (Buy-rahm-ihn-is Koot-lou all-soon) or Iyi Bayramlar (ee buy-rahm-luhr) are the phrases you should use to celebrate your Moslem friends’ sacrifice festival.