TAIP pays for continuity at Incirlik AB

  • Published
  • By by Senior Airman Essence Myricks
  • 39th Air Base Wing

Since the recent increase of the Turkey Assignment Incentive Pay program, known as TAIP, many 39th Air Base Wing Airmen have opted to stay at Incirlik Air Base for an additional 12 months for an extra $1,000 a month.

According to Staff Sgt. Kyerra Tyler-Young, 39th Force Support Squadron noncommissioned officer in charge of DEROS management, as of November 6, 2023, 310 personnel within Türkiye have elected to participate in TAIP, up from 65 Airmen who participated in 2022 for the original TAIP pay of $300 a month -- a 475% increase in less than a year.

The increase in incentive pay will also improve continuity throughout the wing once those who have elected to TAIP reach the second year of their tours.

Unaccompanied tours present unique challenges and Incirlik AB is no exception. With people coming and going seemingly every day, it can be difficult to maintain standard operating procedures, ultimately affecting the success and turnover throughout the wing.

It is critical that there is continuity across each unit to maintain the integrity of the mission.

“The program is important because it allows some stability for our Airmen and it sustains the necessary continuity to support the surety mission,” said Tyler-Young. “When you have a constant rotation of personnel in a short timeframe, the transitions in the workplace aren't as smooth as they could be and some hiccups that have been remedied are repeated.”

However, thanks to the TAIP program, these gaps in subject matter experience are being filled and corporate knowledge as well as critical host nation relationships are bolstered. 

“Short tours feel like they go by so quickly and it seems like people are always on their way out the door,” said Staff Sgt. Madison Sylvester, 39th Air Base Wing noncommissioned officer in charge of media operations. “Having the opportunity to TAIP allows everyone to breathe easier knowing they have a little more sand left in the hourglass with people they need operationally.”

The TAIP program has also given members more time to focus on their goals. As stated previously, though it initially started at $300 a month, the additional $700 per month increase has impacted Airmen across the Titan community.

“Personally, it gives me a better chance at structuring my goals and additional financial stability for wherever the Air Force decides to send me next,” said Sylvester.

For more information on the TAIP program, members can visit the online Incirlik AB newcomers page at www.incirlik.af.mil/Newcomers, their respective units’ commander support staff, or the military personnel flight located in the 39th ABW headquarters building.