Incirlik conducts "Titan Ready" exercise with Turkish partners Published Oct. 5, 2023 By Tech. Sgt Seth Stang INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Türkiye -- The 39th Air Base wing and Turkish Air Force partners completed an aircraft incident exercise here Oct. 3, 2023. The combined exercise, named "Titan Ready," assessed the ability of 39th Air Base Wing personnel, including plans, security forces, medical and logistics, to respond to a simulated aircraft accident. Participants were assessed by the 39th ABW Inspector General’s Office on their ability to respond to a simulated C-17A aircraft crash on Turkish soil. The scenario outlined a hypothetical accident occurring off the installation and tested how the base units from 39th ABW, 10th Tanker Wing, and mission partners would be notified and respond. Through combined service teamwork, Airmen from the Turkish Air Force and U.S. Air Force collaborated to execute a series of complex training scenarios aimed at enhancing readiness and interoperability. Members from the 39th ABW conducted a mock deployment to the simulated aircraft crash site, an initial site survey, and rehearsed appropriate crisis response procedures. U.S. Air Force Capt. James Aguilera, 39th ABW director of wing inspections and exercises, emphasized the importance of such combined exercises in projecting Incirlik’s flight line readiness from a contingency operation standpoint. “This exercise served as a perfect opportunity to assess initial response force mission readiness and effectiveness while rehearsing our mission competencies and cross communication,” Aguilera said. “Titan Ready provided players multiple opportunities to execute unit response requirements.” The comprehensive training allowed participants to hone their skills and develop a shared understanding of tactics, timelines, and cross talk, which are vital in ensuring regional security and stability. U.S. Air Force Col. Kevin Lord, 39th Air Base Wing commander, expressed his pride in the dedication and professionalism demonstrated by both Turkish and American Airmen during the exercise. “The successful completion of ‘Titan Ready’ reaffirms Incirlik Air Base's role as a key strategic location for Turkish and American military operations in the region,” Lord said. “It also underscores the NATO force’s ability to ensure safe response to aircraft incidents and projection of strength at NATO’s Southern Flank. I am very excited about the team’s performance this week. Thanks to everyone who made exercise ‘Titan Ready’ happen."