NEWS RELEASE: MQ-1 Predator crashed in Turkey

  • Published
  • By 39 Air Base Wing Public Affairs

While departing Incirlik Air Base, a U.S. Air Force MQ-1 Predator remotely piloted aircraft crashed at approximately 10:15 p.m. local time, Aug. 17, 2017, near Adana, Turkey.

“At this time the safety of our host nation civilians and the recovery and security of our asset is paramount,” said Col. David Eaglin, commander of the 39th Air Base Wing.  “Our Airmen train continuously to respond to incidents such as this, and we are working closely with our host nation partners to ensure this is resolved without conflict.”

The cause of the accident is under investigation. More information will be provided as it is available.

-------------------------------------------- Turkish translation below-------------------------------------

INCIRLIK HAVA USSU, Turkiye – Amerika Birlesik Devletlerine ait bir MQ-1 Predator Insansiz Hava Araci, Incirlik Hava Ussu’nden kalkisi sirasinda yerel saat ile dun gece saat 10:15 civarinda Adana civarinda dusmustur.

39’uncu Air base Wing’in Amerikali komutani Albay David Eaglin “Su andaki onceligimiz yerel sivillerin guvenligi, dusen aracin kaldirilmasi ve emniyetidir.” dedi. “ Personelimiz bu tur olaylara gereken mudaheleyi yapmak icin surekli egitim gormektedir, ve bu olayin hicbir sorunla karsilasmadan cozumu icin Turk yetkililerle cok yakin calismaktayiz.”

Kazanin sebebi arastirilmaktadir. Yeni bilgiler elde edildikce  aciklanacaktir.

(Turkish translation provided by 39th Air Base Wing Public Affairs)